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Chopping Board Steel (14.5 * 9.5 Inch)

Chopping Board Steel (14.5 * 9.5 Inch)

Product Details:

nan INR/Piece

Chopping Board Steel (14.5 * 9.5 Inch) Price And Quantity

  • 10 Piece

Chopping Board Steel (14.5 * 9.5 Inch) Trade Information

  • Cash in Advance (CID)
  • All India

Product Description

  • Strong and Sturdy --- M K ZONE Chopping Board is made out of Stainless Steel 304 grade with 1.5 mm thickness, which is the best food grade stainless steel available in the world. And this grade of steel is also the strongest amongst the stainless steel grades, which helps in ensuring long life of the product.
  • Safe and Hygiene --- M K ZONE Stainless steel chopping boards are the safest chopping boards anyone can use, because if the chopping board is made out of wood or plastic, it gets cut marks / grooves which retains micro particles of food / meat / vegetables, these remnants will then start rotting and results in foul smell / mold / dirty lines. All these problems are not going to happen on stainless steel chopping board.
  • Prevents Toxic Chemicals --- Chopping boards made out of plastic will get cut marks / grooves every time you chop anything, and during this process some amount of micro plastics gets released into your food, and it eventually gets into your body day by day. And most of these plastics release dangerous amounts of carcinogens that causes cancer, metabolic disorders (including obesity) and reduced fertility. SAY NO TO PLASTIC, instead buy Stainless Steel chopping boards
  • Easy maintenance & restoration --- M K ZONE Stainless steel chopping boards are very easy to clean, wherein you can wash this just like any other utensils, & that too with confidence that there are no leftovers / remnants in the cut marks / grooves. And over a period of time you will find lots of scratch marks on these chopping boards, which can be removed by the process of buffing from a local hardware / steel fabrication vendor, & after this it will look brand new, without buying a new one
  • Doesn't damage Knife --- M K ZONE Stainless steel chopping boards are strong and sturdy, but not hardened with special process, your kitchen knifes are also made out of stainless steel & are also hardened, hence your knives DO NOT blunt easily. However compared to plastic & wood, the rate of blunting may be little higher with these boards. PLEASE NOTE, if your knife is good quality, you do not have to worry at all, only those people who use low quality knives will have problem.
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